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Miracle(?) Skin care Ingredient: Aloe Vera

A lot of skin care products contain aloe. I have after sun gels with aloe. I have a facial wash with aloe extract. I've always though aloe was an established, as in well-researched miracle care, since it has been used for so long.

Until I found this strip from http://carbon-comic.com. This site just gained a regular!

I read more of the post and found out that there are no scientific evidences yet for the use of aloe as a remedy for sunburns. Let's say the evidences for the use of aloe on sunburn may be anecdotes for now, but what about some of the other skin-related claims?

Like as a moisturizer, treatment for acne, anti-aging ingredient, remedy for stretch marks, treatment for wounds among many others. Again, there are no scientific evidences for these claims - http://www.webmd.com and http://www.mayoclinic.com do list some cases where aloe may act as remedy but point out that additional research on aloe is still necessary.

So fellow skin care fans, don't forget to check the active ingredients on your products. Always check the product claims. And don't forget natural is not always safe, so test a product prior to purchase.


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