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Blog rules: A note to self

Dear Pigwin of <<insert current date here>>,

Please be reminded of the following rules. I know this is a boring way to start your blogging venture, but please at least let us establish a standard so this blog will stay true to its name, Pas-sosyal. Not "sosyal". Walang sosyal. In case you've forgotten, let me refresh for you:

1. No typical Filipina "pasosyal" talk. You know you hate this and it is the very reason you created your own skincare blog so as to cater to those who hate some horrendous beauty blogs (sans beauty) with those cancer-inducing Tag-lish posts. It also makes you sound stupid. You can only hope that your readers do the same, but you of all people... I expect a lot from you. Just finish your sentences using just English or Filipino. In case there is a dire need to do otherwise at least don't do it like this: "OMG, this moisturizer is my fave na talaga. Like, you know, this is my HG naaaa! Super super love!" Hindi bagay sayo. Saka ang taba mo na nga, tapos di ka pa kagandahan, magsasalita ka pa na parang bang wala kang utak.

2. No text speak. You are nowhere as elite as Michelle Phan or Liz Uy, or as erudite as Lourd de Veyra, and you're just an engineer with working Engrish, but you are not a JEJE.

3. Write reviews when you're using a product for at least a minimum of 1 month. Don't be a blogger who writes product reviews based on just using samples for three days. I cannot stress this enough as you do not have a B&A segment for your reviews. Puro salita lang. If you stay true to this, you do not need to post B&A pics and skip with the oh-shit-I-am-an-ugly-blogger tirade.

4. Save yourself the trouble and check a product's ingredient list on cosdna.com before buying. You do not want to waste your measly salary on products that will break you out. Also, you can save a lot of money by finding a cheaper alternative to a high-end product. Pasahurin ka lang, iha.

5. You may not be rich enough to buy a DSLR, but post pictures. I mean product pictures. It is better than nothing.

6. You can have an occasional not-skincare-related blog, but still, Rules 1 to 5 shall apply.

7. Don't forget to include product prices on your posts. Also, don't forget to post your seller's info so your readers can go to them as well.

Above rules to be followed or else this will become a vapid blog of pink, stupidity, and useless product ads.


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