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Review:Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner

Although some people are at an opinion that toners are not necessary, I somehow had a good experience with Floria's Pore Tightening toner. But that toner is always out of stock. So when I saw this 7-in-one "total pore solution" from Etude House, I knew I had to try the Wonder Pore Freshner.

The product claims that it can do the following: deep clean one's pores, maintain a ph of 4.5, control sebum, minimize appearance of pores, refine the skin tone, keep elasticity of pores, and moisturize the skin.

This box set contains the toner and cotton pads

Availability and Price: I've been seeing this product from most of the Etude House branches for many years now. It costs no more than 800 php (ballpark values as I bought this months and months ago), and is almost aways available in the Etude stores. Also, this is one of the cheaper toners as the 800 peso bottle does have a lot of product which can last for months, so this is also affordable.

Packaging: If there is an award for toner packaging, I think this product will get it. Unlike other toners where you have to pour some of the product on a cotton ball or pad, this product has a very nifty dispenser allowing you to not lift the somewhat bulky bottle. What I do is just lift the cap, and press the slightly cupped pump head with a cotton pad. With this mechanism, there is less room for accidental spills and easier access to the product. Fast and efficient!

Texture and Scent: It does not smell nice or bad, but it does have a slight fragrance to it. It has that moisturizing feel to it, and is flowable, making it very easy to apply.

Ingredients (from cosdna.com): The product has a lot of extracts from plants, which may make it fancy for some. However, it does have alcohol which explains why I sometimes feel like this toner is too drying. Yeah, I bought this product when I had no idea that alcohol can be so drying. In fact, due to my complusion to use acohol on my hands after every transaction with money, my hands now look like an old lady's.

Finish/effect: The cooling sensation, as I almost always experience with toners, is very pleasant. This product did not break me out, or left a stinging sensation on my face. It did make my face feel tight a couple of times, though. It might also be just me, but I did not feel like it reduced my pore size at all. It also did not work for my black-headed sebaceous filaments on my nose. However, it did a great job of getting rid of all that oily feeling, which I also attribute to alcohol. It did leave my skin feeling fresh and ready for the next product.

Rating: Etude's Wonder Pore Freshner is easy to purchase, affordable and has a very nice packaging. It sometimes leaves my dry, but this for me is an adequate enough toner as a replacement for my HG when the latter is unavailable. Although I may be inclined to try out other toners, I can still purchase this product for those times when my budget is tight. 4/5


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