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We Need to Sleep More + Life Updates

Hi! Sorry for being away for a while. I recently have not been feeling well - sleepy, tired, dizzy all at the same time. I am not sure if this is due to very hectic work or pregnancy (FYI: we are trying to conceive, but cannot do a pregnancy test yet), but yesterday, it got so unbearable I had to rest for the day -  I cannot even blog!

Anyway, as a result of that mandatory rest time, I was able to get a lot of rest and sleep. I still did not feel well after additional hours of sleep + bed rest, but I had one nice surprise: I had instantly better skin. I still have it now!

You might have noticed I am the type of person who is cynical of skin care tips people suggest. I do not believe in the instant effect of a "beauty rest", but I do believe in the plethora of benefits a good sleeping habit provides. In fact, I've read in this study that lack of sleep is linked to reduced skin health and accelerated aging. Yikes!

According to the article (which was based on a study commissioned by Estée Lauder), lack of sleep may lead to:
- premature skin aging
- decreased ability of the skin to recover after sun exposure
- skin's barrier against water loss being compromised

The effect was generally an "intrinsic aging" of the skin, or simply put, aging from within. So yeah, one could slather all that sunblock (and prevent "extrinsic aging"), but the skin ages faster anyway because of lack of sleep as compared to those who get enough sleep.

For the record, I usually sleep 5-6 hours a day. Think it's enough? Are you getting enough zzz's to keep your skin healthy? Feel free to comment below.


  1. I have a theory that the number of required sleeping hours per person is different. As long as you feel like you've recovered, I think that's ok. What do you think?

    1. That makes sense and I agree. Our bodies best know how much rest is needed, I don't feel like 5 hours is okay for me, 6 is meh, 7 is perfect!

  2. sadly, I don't get enough sleep! There's just so much to do all the time and I can't keep myself away from my phone and my laptop! teehee. I usually get 5-7 hours of sleep weekly then catch up on the weekends. :)

    1. It would be nice if we could "bank" sleep. :))


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